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Artist & Baker Just trying to figure out this fucking crazy life. ❤️✨
Drunk selfies with the Tod at 4 am. 🤪
Little Boozy Black Forest Cake
Birthday dinner for my Birthday boy ❤️
A great valentines with my love. ❤️
130 floors counteracts the donuts, cake and dessert from the last three days right? 🫤🤭
Finally the sun is out. 🙌 I needed at least one good thing this week to help me disassociate from this shit show of a country
Serving Poo Bear realness 😜😂
Herniated disc and a migraine for 4 days straight. Struggling to get a pump… but felt like I did what I could do tonight.
My honey always makes his home feel like home ❤️🥰
Made a cute as fuck Cherry Chocolate Bûche De Noël for the last Christmas celebration
Trying to trust the process…
When you finish a workout and your man makes you homemade fresh pasta carbonara at 10 at night 🤤🫠❤️ He’s going to keep this man thiiick
In need of a vacation
Best birthday I could have asked for from this guy right here ❤️❤️❤️
Brandy & Ginger Asian Pear Pie 🦃 Happy Turkey Day!
Trying to slim down while simultaneously making chicken pot pie… will he succeed? 🤣
Wanna make this my new personality.🤠
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