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Hamish @hamish
a flower arranging flowers

Victoria Amazonica
March has been a little wild
I miss LA already
Come over, it smells like frankincense and weyes blood is playing
Engine 🖤
Had a busy January
Okay but what does everyone actually think about north west on the twigs album
I’m presenting a seminar in here tomorrow… wtf x ! What will I talk about !! Who knows !! Not me !!
Clematis in the hotel bathroom hola Madrid !!
Daniel Torrent 💜
@cal can I get a fact check that I was one of the founding members of collective and IF SO when do I get stocks and shares
Need someone who looks at me like he looks at flowers
I miss the blonde and I miss the body and I miss the RAT TAIL !!!!!
Looking for a boyfriend who I only see on Sundays and maybe will sometimes pick me up from the airport
Last night I hosted a seminar at a queer gallery and I brought this girlie with me
Thinking about the time @francesco had a whole conversation with a stranger in the coatcheck queue only to realise they matched on collective months ago He was short though 🖤
Trying to uphold being pretty on too many apps… collective gonna get da real freak 😎
One clocky tea please, hold the boots
Bring back GIFS x
Self tape
Back 2 werk
Me & bro dissecting the antics of yesterdays rave @francesco
If ur email finds me I kill u
Christmas is coming
Be careful doing anything in autumn it might become a memory that pierces you with nostalgia every year
Hey girls
Cold water swimming got my nutsack lookin like the saltanas at the bottom of a mixed fruit and nuts bag

Hamish is on Collective

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