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Kyle MacK
From lovers to friends, friends to enemies.
Silsila (1981)
Susan Forbes and Joel Ergas, 1977
American bison By: S. Wilson From: Wild, Wild World of Animals: Wild Herds 1977
Manonpaardenkooper on ig
James Dean by Sanford Roth (1955)
Miles Davis
Vivienne Westwood portable ashtray
Tallulah Bankhead in Alfred Hitchcock's LIFEBOAT (1944)
Painting by Anthony Wittaker
Public phone booths in Holambra, São Paulo, Brazil.
Renan Ozturk & Freddie Wilkinson, FA Alaska’s Tooth Traverse
Joji for Notion magazine
Penda's Fen (Alan Clarke, 1974)
Anthony Perkins publicity shots for Psycho, 1960
Stroboscopic photographs of the New York City Ballet’s production of Jewels, 1969. Photographed by Gjon Mili.
George Hoyningen-Huene, Oliver Messel surrounded by his masks, Vanity Fair, 1929. Paul Bench.
Nick Waplington Rock Pool No. 1, 2004 Chromogenic print, flush-mounted
Only address me by my official title: Jerking Authority.
Frederik Vercruysse
From the series “Flowers drink the river” - by Pia Paulina Guilmoth, American
Rosemary's Baby, 1968, dir. Roman Polanski
Martin-Jan van Santen, Corner, 2023
“Self-Portrait in Blue” by Nan Goldin, 1980.
faye wei wei, i've always been a weeper at the cinema, 2019
The crystal swipe bag by swarovski
Ivar Arosenius - Waterlilies (1902)
Kyle MacK
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